B2 English course and test

(page updated for the a.y. 2024/25)

The Polytechnic School, in collaboration with the Language Skills Development Department (Settore Competenze Linguistiche – Commissione CLAT), offers 60-hour online self-learning English B2 courses to its students. English B2 verification tests are provided for all self-study courses.

English language certificates. Students can also submit an English B2 or higher certificates (C1 or C2). A list of certificates accepted by UniGe is available on the CLAT webpage. Submitted certificates are verified and the valid ones allow students to have their English B2 level acknowledged and credits recorded.

“Lingua Inglese B2” (code 108708) 

“Lingua Inglese B2” (code 108708) is an official year one exam in most Bachelor’s Degree* (see the list here below). “Lingua Inglese B2” (code 108708) is a year three exam in the Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering degree course. The course requires that students complete a 60-hour online self-learning English B2 course with the support of onsite English classes offered by a teacher in term two. The course will be available on the UniGe Moodle/Aulaweb platform from term two every academic year and will be accessible to students that have the course ‘LINGUA INGLESE B2’ (code 108708) in their study plan. 

Upon completion, that is, once the three modules are completed and activity 3.4.15 has been successfully passed, students will have access to the English B2 exam booking. Passing the exam will count towards obtaining credits within students' study plan. 

Exam dates for “Lingua Inglese B2” (code 108708) for Bachelor's Degree* students and for students attending the Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering bachelor’s degree course.
English B2 exam dates for newly enrolled Bachelor's Degree students and for third year students attending the Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering bachelor’s degree course will be available only to those who complete the online English B2 course on Moodle/Aulaweb platform - read above for information about course completion. The English B2 exam dates will be shown at the bottom of the course on the same Moodle/Aulaweb page. 

Exam results will be uploaded on the Moodle/Aulaweb page that students accessed to sit the exam within 7/10 working days.

Please note: before enrolling on the English B2 course, it is strongly recommended that students take and pass the English B1 language level test (EN B1 AT). Taking the English B2 course without passing the English B1 test first is likely to prove far too difficult. Find more information here.

For more information, please send an email to didattica.politecnica@unige.it 

* Bacherlor's Degree courses - “Lingua Inglese B2” (108708) is a year one exam
8715   Ingegneria civile e ambientale/Civil and Environmental Engineering
10375 Ingegneria chimica e di processo/Chemical and Processes Engineering
9273 Ingegneria elettronica e tecnologie dell'informazione/Electronic Engineering and Information Technology
8716 Ingegneria elettrica/Electrical Engineering
8722 Ingegneria Navale/Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering – n.b. “Lingua Inglese B2” (108708) is a year three exam
8721 Ingegneria nautica/Pleasure Craft Engineering
8713 Ingegneria biomedica/Biomedical Engineering
10716 Ingegneria gestionale/Management Engineering
8719 Ingegneria informatica/Computer Engineering

English B2 - Graduating students’ EN B2 program | Students enrolling in UniGe postgraduate degree courses

Graduating students’ EN B2 program. The Polytechnic School's Project for graduating bachelor’s degree students is designed for those who do not have English B2 as part of their undergraduate curriculum and intend to enroll into a UniGe postgraduate degree course.

An online B2 English Language course is available, consisting of 60 hours of self-paced learning on the Moodle/Aulaweb platform – some feedback is provided by a teaching assistant.

The Polytechnic School automatically enroll in the Moodle/Aulaweb course those students who have passed the English Language B1 exam (code 27975) and have earned 120 ECTS by the end of the winter exam session (April 30th of each academic year).

An English B2 level test is also offered to students who are candidates willing to enroll in Unige postgraduate degree courses. Test results will be available on the Moodle/Aulaweb page where the test was taken, within 7 to 10 working days after each test.

Please note: students who pass the test will not have any certificate. 

For more information send an email to didattica.politecnica@unige.it 

Please note: students wishing to enroll in any UniGe postgraduate degree course (Laurea Magistrale) which includes an English B2 level as an exam in their study plan must not take the B2 English test upon admission. The English B2 test does not grant any credits or exemptions from attending other English courses within a specific degree study plan. Students are invited to carefully check the postgraduate degree course description (Laurea Magistrale) at the following link corsi.unige.it.

Exam dates for English B2 – see at the bottom of this webpage.

UniGe students who are candidates to UniGe postgraduate degree courses who were not eligible for the graduating students’ EN B2 program can ask for information via email to didattica.politecnica@unige.it 

English B2 - Students enrolling in one UniGe postgraduate degree for the first time

Students enrolling in one UniGe postgraduate degree for the first time. An online B2 English Language course will be available. The EN B2 course consists of 60 hours of self-paced learning on the Moodle/Aulaweb platform. To access the online course, send an email to didattica.politecnica@unige.it 
An English B2 level test is also offered to students who are candidates willing to enroll in Unige postgraduate degree courses. Test results will be available on the Moodle/Aulaweb page where the test was taken, within 7 to 10 working days after each test.

Please note: students who pass the test will not have any certificate. 

For more information send an email to didattica.politecnica@unige.it 

Please note: students wishing to enroll in any UniGe postgraduate degree course (Laurea Magistrale) which includes an English B2 level as an exam in their study plan must not take the B2 English test upon admission. The English B2 test does not grant any credits or exemptions from attending other English courses within a specific degree study plan. Students are invited to carefully check the postgraduate degree course description (Laurea Magistrale) at the following link corsi.unige.it.

Exam dates for English B2 – see at the bottom of this webpage.

“Lingua Inglese B2” as a year one exam in UniGe postgraduate degree courses. An English B2 exam is compulsory in the study plan of the following UniGe postgraduate degree courses code: 98941/9915 | 98176/11440 | 111732/9006

‘LINGUA INGLESE B2’ is in the study plan of the following postgraduate degree courses: LM Architecture code 98941/9915; LM Product and Event Design code 98176/11440; LM Green Areas and Landscape Design code 111732/9006. A 60-hour online self-learning English B2 course is offered on the Moodle/Aulaweb platform, with the support of a teaching assistant. Some synchronous and asynchronous classes are also offered in term one via the Microsoft Teams platform.

The course is available through the Moodle/Aulaweb platform 

Upon completion, that is once the three modules are completed and activity 3.4.15 has been successfully passed, students will have access to the B2 test booking and exam. Passing the English B2 test will count towards obtaining credits within your study plan. 

Students that have ‘LINGUA INGLESE B2’ with a different code in their study plan should refer to the information provided by their own degree on the respective webpages at the following link corsi.unige.it.

For more information, please send an email to didattica.politecnica@unige.it 

Exam dates for English B2 – see at the bottom of this webpage.

English B2 exam dates. The following test dates are only open to: 
•    Graduating UniGe students 
•    Non-UniGe postgraduate candidates 
•    postgraduate students who have English B2 in their study plan

Thursday 16th May booking opens on April 17th and shuts on May 6th, 2024 at 9:00 AM                
Thursday 13th June registration from May 17th to June 3rd, 2024 (9:00 AM)            
Wednesday 26th June registration from May 27th to June 17th, 2024 (9:00 AM)                
Thursday 19th September registration from August 19th to September 9th, 2024 (9:00 AM)           
Thursday 21st November registration from October 21st to November 11th, 2024 (9:00 AM) - last useful exam session for the pre-enrolled students in Robotics Engineering                             
Thursday 23rd January registration from December 23rd to January 13th, 2025 (9:00 AM)
Thursday 13th February registration from January 13th to February 3rd, 2025 (9:00 AM)

The exam dates were agreed with the Polytechnic School and take into account the deadlines of all graduating session of the various degree courses.

Important: some postgraduate courses may have anticipated admission deadlines; check carefully the websites of the courses you are interested in. The new test dates will be available as soon as the “Consiglio di Scuola” approves the graduating sessions, most likely in the Spring.


Test booking. To book the test students will need to wait until booking is open and made available through the Moodle/Aulaweb platform. 

Test mode. The English B2 test will take place in-person on site at the Genoa campus - Albergo dei Poveri. Detailed information about the test location and timing will be provided to students who have enrolled after the booking closing date. 

Special needs or students with a disability. Students who are officially filed in within the UniGe office (find more information at this link) must send a request before exam booking closes to didattica.politecnica@unige.it and copy in the lecturer who is in charge of the issue within each Department.

Non-UniGe postgraduate candidates. Students who are pre-enrolled in any UniGe postgraduate degree programme and are UniGe students for the first time can apply to take the test online due to documented needs caused by:
-    Having their official residence abroad;
-    Being pre-enrolled students that have never been UniGe students.

The request will be processed only if relevant evidence and/or valid official documents are attached to the communication. The request must be sent before the exam booking closes to didattica.politecnica@unige.it 

Should you have any issues and/or requests, send an email to didattica.politecnica@unige.it no later than 5 days before the test date.

Exam results will be uploaded on the Moodle/Aulaweb page that students accessed to sit the exam within 7/10 working days.

Last update 10 December 2024